(t) 01249 489100
Fully Insured Trusted Cleaning Services
(m) 07428 010690
Email: info@lemoncarpetcleaning.com
Professional Leather Cleaning

Leather is a specialist area of the cleaning industry and requires detailed cleaning methods with certified cleaning chemicals.
Our process involves Prochem's leather cleaning chemical spray and their leather conditioner which is applied after the clean has been done. Each piece of furniture is done separately and is thoroughly vacuumed before cleaning proceeds.
What leather we clean:
Leather Sofas
Leather Armchairs
Leather Car Upholstery
Leather Dining Chairs
Leather Head Boards
And many other types of furniture.
Each one can be unique to it's condition and can take longer depending on many factors. As each item is done by hand, we ask that you let our technicians take their time and get the best results possible. For more information, please feel free to contact us or fill in the contact form above.
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